Prepare sauce with the first 5 ingredients.Slice open each package of rolls.Spread sauce over rolls. Place a slice of ham and a slice of Swiss cheese on each.Close.Wrap tightly with foil and refrige ...
Add yeast to warm water until dissolved.Add rest of ingredients, 3 cups flour and beat with wooden spoon.Put flour on bread board, and knead about 10 minutes, working in the flour until soft dough. ...
Mix together sugar, shortening, eggs, sour milk, bananas and nuts.Sift and add the flour, soda, baking powder and salt.Mix together.Bake at 350\u00b0 for 1/2 hour or a little longer.Let stand 20 min ...
Combine water, oatmeal and Crisco.Mix eggs, sugars and vanilla.Add to the oatmeal mixture.Mix the remaining ingredients by sifting.Add to the other mixture.Pour into a 9 x 13-inch pan, greased and f ...
Add in order listed, adding eggs one at a time.Bake in pie shell about 40 minutes at 350\u00b0. ...
Put raw potatoes in food processor.Mix all ingredients in bowl.Beat well.Heat oil in an iron pan.Pour batter 2 tablespoons at a time.When it starts to bubble, it is cooked. ...
In a large mixing bowl, cream sugar and shortening.Add potatoes, salt and eggs.In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in 2/3 cup of warm water; add to creamed mixture.Beat in two cups of flour and remainin ...
Make crust according to directions on graham cracker crumbs package.Beat egg yolks, then stir in condensed milk, lemon juice and rind.Turn into shell.In small bowl, beat egg whites with cream of tar ...