Chill bowl and beaters.Dissolve Jell-O and sugar in boiling water; set in refrigerator.When mixture has partially congealed, fold in the Pet milk which has been whipped with a beater.Add lemon juice ...
Combine 1 tablespoon cornstarch and water.Set aside for later use.Debone the chicken breast and cut into 1/4-inch cubes. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the chicken, 1 tablespoon cornstarch and the ...
Remove mushroom stems; mince.Place caps rounded side down on cookie sheet.Drain clams; save liquid. Over medium heat melt butter and brush on mushroom caps.In remainder of butter, saute stems, garli ...
Mix all ingredients except mushrooms and cheese.Cover tightly and microwave on High (100%) until rice is tender and water absorbed.Stir in mushrooms and sprinkle with cheese. Microwave 4 to 6 minute ...
Cut up chicken and wash.Place in a 9 x 13-inch pan.Sprinkle dry onion soup all over chicken.Mix soup and pour over.Bake in a 400\u00b0 oven until chicken is done. ...
Preheat oven to 350\u00b0.Arrange broccoli in a 12 x 18-inch pan. Whisk together soup, salad dressing and milk.Pour over broccoli.Sprinkle with cheese and croutons.Bake for 30 to 35 minutes. ...
Rinse the mushrooms in cold water; drain well.Cut in halves or if large in quarters.Peel the potatoes.Melt butter in saucepan and fry onions, herbs and ginger for about 5 minutes. Add the salt, turm ...
Combine mushrooms and salad dressing in a small bowl and toss to coat.Let stand 10 minutes.Thread mushrooms on skewers and place 6 inches above hot coals.Grill 5 minutes or until tender, turning oft ...
Drain mushrooms and chop well.Add all but eggs and poppy seed.Spread mixture on each spread out roll/dough.Start at long side and roll up.Slice logs in 1 inch pieces.Put on greased baking sheet.Brus ...
Saute 2 cups chopped mushrooms and 1 cup saltine crackers (crushed).Remove from pan and press into 9-inch pie plate to form crust.Saute 1 cup scallions and place on crust.Grate 1 1/2 cups Swiss chee ...