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Orange Sherbet Party Punch

Dissolve gelatin in boiling water.
Add sugar and stir until dissolved.
Add cold water.
Combine juices and add to Jell-O mixture.
Spoon sherbet into punch and add ginger ale just before serving.
Serves 40.

Orange Sherbet Party Punch

Combine gelatin and sugar; add boiling water.
Stir until dissolved.
Stir in cold water and fruit juice.
Spoon sherbet into punch; add ginger ale.
Yields about 6 1/2 quarts.

Orange Sherbet Party Punch

Heat 2 cups water to boiling; add jello and sugar until dissolved.
Add 2 cups cold water and fruit juices.
Chill until ready to serve.
Spoon sherbet into punch bowl.
Pour over ginger ale.

Orange Sherbet Party Punch

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.
Add sugar and stir until dissolved.
Add cold water. Combine juices. Add to gelatin mix. Chill. Add ginger ale.
Spoon sherbet into punch just before serving.
Yields 40 servings.

Orange Sherbet Party Punch

Dissolve gelatin in hot water; add sugar and stir until dissolved.
Add cold water.
Combine juices; add to gelatin mixture.
Add ginger ale.
Spoon sherbet into punch just before serving.
Yields 40 servings.

Frothy Lime Sherbet Punch

Place sherbet in punch bowl.
Pour ginger ale over sherbet. Drink and enjoy.
Add more ginger ale as needed.
This is a quick and easy recipe for punch that anyone can follow.

Wedding Punch

Boil water.
Mix cherry-flavored drink mix with sugar into boiling water.
Add frozen juices.
Stir until juice is no longer frozen. Then freeze.
To serve: thaw 3-4 hours at room temperature. When thawed add 1 qt of water and the 2 liter of soda. (Opt. to keep cool in punch bowl and add extra flavor, add scoops of sherbet to punch).
To stretch recipe use 1/2 amount of punch mix and same amount of soda and water.

Pina Colada Punch

Put sherbet in punch bowl.
Pour in 7-Up.
Mix well and serve.

Raspberry Sherbet Party Punch

Combine all in punch bowl.
Triple recipe for wedding.
Great in summer.

Hawaiian Punch

Pour chilled punch into punch bowl.
Add 7-Up and spoon sherbet into punch.
Add 1/2 sherbet at a time.

Pink Wedding Punch

Mix lemonade and ice water.
Add pineapple juice and Hawaiian Punch.
Stir thoroughly.
Add 7-Up.
Scoop sherbet into punch bowl.
Pour punch over sherbet very slowly.
Punch will be very frothy.
Serves 100 four ounce servings.

Sherbet Tropical Punch

Put frozen orange punch in a molder and refrigerate red punch and 7-Up to keep it cold.
Mix red punch and 7-Up in a punch bowl. Add frozen orange punch and Rainbow sherbet.

Birthday Punch

Place sherbet in punch bowl.
Pour ginger ale over sherbet. Mix.
Sherbet will melt to make a thick, foamy punch.

Sherbet Punch

Spoon 1 1/2-quarts of sherbet into punch bowl. Let soften at room temperature for 5 minutes. Then slowly pour in chilled 7-Up, stirring slightly in order to combine with sherbet.
Float generous scoopfuls of remaining sherbet on top of punch.
Makes about 50 punch cup servings.

Watermelon Citrus Punch

hows; refrigerate shell.
Make punch: Puree 4 cups watermelon pulp

Lime Sherbet Punch

Dip lime sherbet into punch bowl.
Pour ginger ale slowly over sherbet until punch bowl is filled.
Add more sherbet and ginger ale as needed.


Place sherbet in punch bowl; pour Hi-C carefully over the sherbet, then add 1 liter of ginger ale or as much as is needed to fill the punch bowl.
You may add Hi-C and ginger ale to punch bowl as long as sherbet lasts.

A La Punch

Combine all ingredients (except sherbet) in punch bowl and mix well.
Scoop sherbet into punch.
Gently place ice ring (made from jello mold and water) in punch and enjoy!

Fizzy Fruit Punch

Pour juice and ginger ale in large punch bowl.
Scoop sherbet into punch.
Pour into cups with making sure to get a scoop of sherbet in there.
Spike with rum when the kids are asleep!

Seven-Up Lime Punch

Spoon 3 pints sherbet into punch bowl.
Soften for about 5 minutes at room temperature.
Then slowly pour in chilled 7-Up, stirring slightly.
Float remaining sherbet on top of punch. Makes about 36 cups.
