Mix oatmeal and boiling water in bowl; let set 20 minutes. Beat white sugar, brown sugar, vegetable oil and egg together well.Add flour, salt, soda and cinnamon.Bake 35 minutes at 350\u00b0.While ca ...
In saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Stir-fry onion, mushrooms and green pepper until soft, but not browned. Add tomatoes, stock, pepperoni and basil. Cook until heated through. Ladle soup into 4 ...
Beat eggs and cream together.Slice bread into halves.Put skillet on fire with 1 tablespoon butter or shortening to get hot. Dip bread into egg mixture until covered.Place in skillet. Sprinkle lightl ...
Preheat oven to 350\u00b0.Lightly spray cookie sheet with vegetable oil.Soften margarine.In a large bowl, sift together first 6 ingredients.Cut in margarine with pastry blender until mixture resembl ...
Mix all ingredients together; knead on floured board for about 10 minutes.Cover with plastic wrap and let rise about 2 hours. Oil 2 (14-inch) pizza pans.Sprinkle with a little cornmeal.Pat and stret ...
In a small bowl combine flour, baking powder, soda, and salt. Set aside. ...
Grease 9 x 13-inch pan.Beat eggs until light.Add rest of ingredients.Bake 35 minutes at 350\u00b0. ...
Soften yeast 10 minutes.Combine in large bowl the cheese, butter, sugar, salt, soda, onion, dill, egg and yeast.Beat well. Add flour gradually.Cover; let rise in warm place until double (about 1 hou ...
Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. Mix in baking mix and milkuntil dough forms.Smooth into ball and dust with baking mix. Knead 10 times.Roll 1/2-inch thick.Cut with 2-inch biscuit cutter dippe ...
This recipe can be for as many strawberries as you want to fix.From a few to a whole quart.\tClean and hull your strawberries.Fill with Cool Whip (a pastry tool works well) roll in powdered sugar an ...