Cream butter and sugar.Add egg, salt, baking powder, flour and vanilla.Work into several balls.Chill in refrigerator for one hour.Roll on well floured board.Cut into desired shapes. Bake at 350\u00b ...
Cream butter and sugar; gradually add eggs, then banana and vanilla.Fold in dry ingredients that have been sifted together. Add nuts.Bake in a buttered loaf pan at 350\u00b0 for 1 1/4 hours or until ...
There is an old story about a man who lived a long and worthy life.When he died, the Lord said to him, \"Come, I will show you Hell.\" ...
Mix and boil together sugar, cocoa, stick of butter and milk. Boil for 2 minutes; may use microwave.Cover bowl with cling wrap if microwaved.Add and stir well into boiled mixture the peanut butter, ...
Combine sugar, Karo and water.Cook over medium heat until forms a soft ball in water, stirring constantly until dissolved. When forms soft ball, remove from heat.Add coconut and almonds or nuts.Let ...
Combineindeepnarrowbowl Dream Whip, pudding and cold milk.Blend then beat at high speed to soft peaks 4 to 6 minutes. Makes 31/3cupsorenoughfora 2-layer cake. Store frosted cake in refrigerator. ...
Mix all ingredients except cheese.Pour half of mixture into greased 10-inch square container.Spread half of cheese on top. Spread remaining mixture on top, ending with remaining cheese. Bake at 350\ ...
Mix first 5 ingredients together with mixer on low speed, then on medium about 4 minutes until fluffy.Stir in pecans.Wrap dough in wax paper; refrigerate 2 hours or overnight. ...
Cook dates, sugar and water 10 minutes.Mix remaining ingredients.Divide mixture (4 or 5 balls).Roll out approximately 1/4-inch thick.Spread date filling and roll up like jelly roll.Put each in separ ...