Cream butter, sugar and yolks.Sift and add flour with bananas, milk and add vanilla and nuts.Fold in stiff egg whites. Bake 1 1/4 hours at 300\u00b0. ...
Mix dry ingredients together.Beat egg and milk together and pour into dry ingredients.Add banana and mix with electric mixer.Drop by teaspoonfuls into hot grease and fry until golden brown.Don't get ...
Dissolve yeast in water.Scald milk.Pour in large bowl. Add sugar, salt and butter.Stir until dissolved.Cool to lukewarm.Add yeast.Beat in egg.Add flour.Mix well.Knead 10 minutes.Grease large bowl.Ad ...
Preheat oven to 375\u00b0.Combine mix, egg, oil and water. Mixture will be dry. Scoop dough with teaspoon. Drop onto greased cookie sheet. Bake for 13 min., until brown. ...
Cut cookie dough into 1/8 inch slices and line pizza pan. Bake at 375\u00b0 for 12 minutes or until brown. Let cool. Then mix together cream cheese, Splenda and vanilla. When ready to serve, top wit ...
Mix dry cake mix and dry pudding mix.Add eggs and oil.Add hot water and poppy seeds.Blend well.Bake in 3 small loaf pans at 350\u00b0 for 20 minutes.Cool 10 minutes. ...
Beat egg whites until stiff.Gradually add sugar and beat until stiff peaks.Add nuts, chocolate chips, vanilla and salt. Drop by teaspoonfuls on cookie sheet covered with foil.Put in a preheated 350\ ...
Measure warm water into a large warm bowl.Sprinkle in Fleischmann's active dry yeast.Stir until dissolved.Stir in sugar, salt, peanut oil and 1 1/2 cups flour; beat until smooth. Add enough addition ...
Beat together first 3 ingredients.Add peanut butter.Bake at 350\u00b0 for 10 to 12 minutes. ...