Peel carrots; wash.Remove ends.Cut in half lengthwise and crosswise in 2 to 3 pieces.Add carrots to boiling water.Cover and simmer 10 minutes until tender; drain.Save cooking liquid. Combine butter, ...
In a bowl combine Cool Whip and Eagle Brand milk.Stir in lemon juice to taste.Pour in crust; chill for 1 hour. ...
Spread the crackers liberally with the peanut butter.Set aside.Melt white dipping chocolate in a double boiler.Holding each cracker with tongs, dip into the melted chocolate.Spread wax paper under c ...
In a large mixer bowl, beat butter or margarine with electric mixer on medium speed until softened.Add sugar and beat until fluffy.Gradually beat in flour until well mixed.Divide dough into 4 parts. ...
Sprinkle yeast in very warm water and dissolve.Melt margarine.Cream margarine and sugar in large mixing bowl.Add beaten egg and dissolved yeast-water to mixture.Add flour to the mixture and stir wel ...
Cook sausage and drain.Put Mozzarella cheese on rye bread. Add 1 teaspoon tomato sauce; add crumbled sausage.Sprinkle oregano and dash of garlic salt.Top with mushrooms and Parmesan cheese.Bake at 3 ...
Pour milk in a mixing bowl, add eggs and mix well.Put 1/2 stick butter in frying pan and melt.Take a slice of bread and place in milk and egg mixture turning bread to coat evenly, place bread in pan ...
Heat oven to 400\u00b0.Heat water and butter to rolling boil in saucepan.Stir in flour.Stir vigorously over low heat until mixture forms a ball, about 1 minute.Remove from heat.Beat eggs in thorough ...
Combine butter, sugar and eggs; blend well.Add beaten egg, sour cream and mint extract, then blend in the flour and add chopped mint leaves.Let chill for at least 1 hour. ...
Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.Add egg and flavoring; beat well.Add sifted dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.Wrap dough in waxed paper; chill for several hours or overnight.Roll very ...