Cook sugar, cocoa, Pet milk and butter for 5 minutes.Add oats and cook 3 minutes.Add flavoring and beat unti creamy. Drop on wax paper. ...
Beat egg whites and salt, adding sugar a little at a time. Beat until mixture is very stiff.Add cream of tartar and fold in chocolate chips and flavoring. Preheat oven to 375\u00b0 for 15 minutes.Dr ...
We all think that Matt makes the very best pancakes. He always made pancakes for us on a weekend, either Saturday or Sunday.And when we go to visit him, we ask for his pancakes.What a treat! ...
Cream shortening and sugar.Add in egg and vanilla; mix well. Sift together dry ingredients and add in, mixing well.Chill at least 1/2 hour.Roll half of the dough on a lightly floured surface until 1 ...
Cream sugar and shortening until fluffy.Add eggs; beat well and add milk, then flour.Beat well as you add flour and baking powder; flavor to taste with vanilla.Drop by teaspoonfuls on well-greased c ...
Cook raisins in enough water to have 1 cup juice.Simmer at least 10 minutes.Cool.Stir together brown sugar, margarine, egg and vanilla.Beat well.Stir together the dry ingredients.Add raisin juice to ...
Butter a 9-inch square pan.Lay bread slices evenly in pan. Combine orange peel, orange juice, eggs, liqueur, half and half and granulated sugar.Pour over bread.Dot with butter if desired.Refrigerate ...
Combine flour and salt; cut in margarine and shortening.Beat egg yolk; add enough milk to make 2/3 cup liquid.Mix well; add to flour mixture.Roll half dough into 17 x 12-inch rectangle. Fit into 15 ...
Beat eggs, sugar and buttermilk.Add next 3 ingredients. Mix well and pour into pie crust.Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. ...