Mix together first four ingredients.Pour into graham cracker pie crusts.Can be served immediately.Refrigerate for firmer slices.Very good. ...
Beat eggs in large bowl.Stir in milk and rolled oats; let stand 5 minutes.Add butter.Mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar.Stir into rolled oats mixture, just until mixed.Add blueberries.Cook pan ...
Put sugar, milk and butter in a saucepan.Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until bubbles appear over entire top. Cook 2 minutes longer.Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter.When peanut ...
Cream margarine, shortening and sugar.Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after adding each egg.Combine dry ingredients and add alternately with buttermilk and vanilla, ending with dry mixture.Fol ...
Creamthebutterand sugar.\tAdd eggs (well beaten). Add mashedbananas.Add flour, soda and salt.Bake at 350\u00b0 for 1 hour in regular bread tin. ...
Cream butter and sugar.Add eggs, one at a time.Beat well after each addition.Sift flour with soda added to the last 1/2 cup flour.Add this to creamed mixture along with buttermilk. Add lemon extract ...
Bake or buy an angel food cake.Prepare sugar-free pudding as directed on package.Crumble 1/3 of the angel food cake into a trifle bowl.Next, layer with 1/3 of the pudding and then 1/3 of the light C ...
Cream the butter with the granulated sugar until light and fluffy; beat in lemon zest, vanilla and lemon extract.Add flour and salt; beat mixture until it forms a dough.Add coconut. Chill dough 1 ho ...
Preheat oven to 375\u00b0. Mix shortening, sugars, egg and vanilla thoroughly. Measure flour by dip-level, pour method or by sifting. Blend soda and salt with flour. Mix in nuts and chocolate pieces ...
Thoroughly blend margarine, softened cream cheese and sugar. Add flour, baking powder and salt.Mix well.Knead to form stiff dough.Roll to 1/4-inch thickness on well-floured board.Cut into 2-inch squ ...