Mix and blend as you would for any quick bread recipe.Grease and flour 2 large loaf pans, bake at 350\u00b0 for 1 hour. ...
Spray foil pan with nonstick cooking spray.Arrange bologna, potatoes, beans and pepper in sprayed pan.\tPour melted margarine over mixture; toss to coat.Sprinkle with garlic powder and pepper.Cook 2 ...
Bake in 9-inch unbaked pastry shell.Beat eggs with sugar, pinch of salt, corn syrup and melted butter.Add black walnuts. Pour in shell and bake 50 minutes at 350\u00b0. ...
Measure water, molasses, shortening, sugars and salt into a big bowl.Heat until shortening is melted and mixture is warm. Stir in yeast and rye flour; beat.Stir in as much white flour as possible an ...
Brown sausage and ground chuck in separate pans. Drain in colander to remove grease. Break up cheese. Return meats to big skillet over low heat. Add cheese and stir until all cheese is melted. Add s ...
Sprinkle yeast over very warm water in a 1-cup measure.Very warm water feels comfortably warm when dropped on wrist.Stir in 1 teaspoon of the honey.Let stand until bubbly, about 10 minutes. Mix butt ...
Heatoven to 375\u00b0.Beat together margarine and sugars until lightandfluffy.Beatin egg and vanilla.Combine flour, bakingsoda,salt and spices.Add to margarine mixture,mixing well.Stir in oats and p ...
Cream shortening and sugars.Add eggs.Add flour, baking powder, soda and salt and work in oats, Rice Krispies, coconut and vanilla.Mix thoroughly until mixture is a stiff dough.Mold into small balls ...
Mix sugar, butter and eggs.Add flour and salt.Mix soda with milk.Gradually add milk and bananas to sugar mixture.Add vanilla and nuts.Makes 1 large loaf.Bake at 375\u00b0 for 1 hour. ...
Cream first four wet ingredients, then add rest.Roll in balls, then in sugar.Place balls on nonstick cookie sheet.Bake at 375\u00b0 for 10 to 15 minutes. ...