Fry bacon until crispy.Cook noodles and drain.Mix noodles with bacon fat.In casserole dish, place a layer of noodles, layer of sour cream and a layer of pot cheese.Continue until dish is almost full ...
Preheat oven to 375\u00b0.Wash tomatoes.Cut out stem ends, then halve crosswise.Arrange, with cut sides up, in baking pan. Spread with prepared mustard.Top with minced onion and Worcestershire sauce ...
In skillet, cook 1 tablespoon oil and half the chicken until browned.Remove.Repeat with remaining chicken.In remaining 1 tablespoon of oil, stir-fry vegetables with ginger and garlic powder until te ...
Combine first 5 ingredients in a bowl; make a well in center of mixture.Combine milk, egg substitute, oil and pepper in a small bowl.Stir well.Add to cornmeal mixture, stirring just until dry ingred ...
Boil together for 5 minutes the first 3 ingredients; place in casserole.Cream the shortening.Add sugar gradually and cream well.Add vanilla.Sift dry ingredients and add alternately with milk.Add nut ...
Roll steak in flour and seasonings.Brown in oil; transfer meat to casserole dish and top each layer with onion and green pepper.Pour tomato sauce over meat and add more onion.Bake at 350\u00b0 for 1 ...
In a large bowl, combine ziti, butter and pepper.Mix well and add 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese and 1/4 cup Romano cheese.Mix well. ...
Place noodles in large pan of boiling water.Brown ground beef; drain.Add spaghetti sauce to ground beef.Simmer until bubbling.Drain noodles; cool in cold water.Place 1/2 ground beef in a 10 x 13-inc ...
Wrap ham in heavy foil and place in deep pan.Prior to closing foil, cover with mixture of Coke, sugar and mustard.Bake at 325\u00b0 for 3 hours. ...
Make your own spaghetti sauce that you like and set aside. Boil spaghetti noodles; drain.Mix eggs, Parmesan cheese and melted margarine in a bowl and add to spaghetti noodles.Mix completely.Grease a ...