Mix the first 3 ingredients and spread in a 9 x 13-inch dish. Bake at 350\u00b0 for 15 minutes.Let cool.Mix the next 3 ingredients and spread on cooled crust.Combine pudding and milk and spread on t ...
Clean peppers; leave whole.Stuff hot dog pieces into hot pepper.Pack tightly into wide mouth quart jars.Make mixture of remainder of ingredients.Pour over peppers 1/2 to 1-inch from top of jar.Cold ...
Combine peaches with sugar, flour and spices.Put in unbaked crust.Dot with butter.Cover with lattice crust.Bake at 350\u00b0 about 1 hour. ...
In a food processor with a metal blade, combine all ingredients and blend up to 30 seconds or in the blender.Stir after 15 seconds.Refrigerate several hours to blend flavors. ...
*3 c. chilled champagne may be used. ...
Cream shortening and sugar. Gradually blend in well-beaten eggs, apples and juice. Sift flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda together and stir into the apple mixture. Add nuts and pour into we ...
Heat sugar, water, Karo syrup and vinegar to hard crack stage. Remove from heat.Add oil and coloring. ...
In medium saucepan, mix sugar, cornstarch and salt.Slowly stir in pineapple juice, then add remaining ingredients.Over low heat, heat mixture to boiling, stirring constantly.Boil 1 minute, until smo ...
Saute mushrooms in 1 tablespoon margarine until tender. Remove from skillet.Saute carrots, onion and garlic in 3 tablespoons margarine until carrots are tender.Add tomatoes and tomato paste.Simmer 5 ...
Boil the 7 cups liquid.Pour over Jell-O.Add vinegar and salt.Let stand until partially cool and set.Then add fruits and vegetables.Mold and chill.Serves 40 people. ...