We have tried to collect the most interesting and delicious recipes from all over the internet for you.

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How To Boil A Lobster


How To Can Green Beans

Add salt to taste as in cooking beans.
Cover with water. After they begin to boil, let them boil for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Can and seal.
Be sure to have jars hot.

How To Cook Perfect Pasta

ir it around just once to separate it.
If you

Seafood (Crab, Shrimp And Lobster) Boil And How To Open And Eat

n extra 2-4 inches to cover.
When it comes

How To Freeze Eggs

gether - don't forget to label with a permanent marker

How To Make Chapatis

e knead by hand just to incorporate everything and make sure

How To Choose And Cut A Mango

How to Choose a Ripe Mango:

How To Bake Brown Rice In The Oven

cups raw brown rice to bottom of a 9x13-inch

How To Make Pickles

Heat beans, do not boil.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Pour off juice.
While hot, add ingredients.
Marinate 24 hours.
Serve cold.

No Cook, No Can Cucumber Pickles

ith sliced cucumbers. Dissolve salt in enough water to cover cucumbers.

Refrigerated Dill Cucumbers

Make a brine by combining water, vinegar and salt and bring to a boil.
Let cool.
Quarter cucumbers lengthwise and put in a large bowl with dill and peeled garlic cloves.
Pour cooled brine over cucumbers.
Cover bowl and weight contents down, if necessary, to keep cucumbers covered with brine.
Put bowl in refrigerator 4 days.
Put pickles and brine in jars.
Must keep refrigerated. Will keep several months.

How To Make And Roll Sushi

e making to use on

Smoked Turkey And Jarlsberg Salad

Serve on lettuce.
How to Toast Nuts: To toast nuts, spread them

Kitchen Floor Pickles

Add the salt, alum, spices and vinegar to the gallon of pickles.
Finish filling with water.
Put cap on jar and let set for 1 month.
After 1 month, remove cucumbers from jar and wash thoroughly (jar also).
Cut cucumbers into chunks and put back into jar.
Add sugar and shake jar to coat cucumbers and continue to shake until sugar melts and covers cucumbers with juice.
Pickles are ready to eat.
Keep in refrigerator.

Celery-Dill Pickles

edium to large cucumbers.
Cut lengthwise.
Soak several hours (3 to

Cinnamon Stick Cucumbers

Peel and slice cucumbers and cut out seed.
Mix lime in 8 1/2 quarts water.
Pour over cucumbers and let set for 24 hours.
Wash off lime water.
In pan, combine 1 cup cider vinegar, food coloring, alum and enough water to cover cucumbers.
Simmer for 2 hours on stove.
Drain and make syrup with vinegar, 2 cups water, sugar, stick cinnamon and cinnamon candy.
Bring to boil and let set for 24 hours.
Put drained cucumbers in jars.
Cover with hot syrup, putting 1 cinnamon stick in each pint jar.

How To Make Dulce De Leche

he top of can of sweetened condensed milk to make 2 small

How To Make A Spicy Milk Sandwich For A Yummy Snack

br>Let it cool.
How to make the sandwich.

Marinated Cucumbers & Onions

Combine vinegar, water, sugar, salt, and pepper.
Add additional water if vinegar taste to strong.
Add cucumbers and onions.
Place in fridge.
Prepare enough ahead of time to flavor cucumbers, but not so far ahead that cucumber wilt.

Red Hot Crisp Cucumbers

Cut cucumbers in 1/2-inch slices.<
