Steam Potatoes until just tender, drain& set aside in a bowl.Add red onions and shallots to potatoes.In a seperate bowl whisk together the herbs, horseradish, white wine vinegar, oil of choice and s ...
Cook the wild rice in a large, covered pot of boiling, salted water, for 10 minutes.Add the lentils and boil for 20 minutes.Add the orzo and boil for about 5 minutes, or until just tender.Drain well ...
Place Italian sausage in a frying pan and cook until no longer pink inside.Slice into 1/4 inch thick pieces and set aside.Boil or steam unpeeled potatoes until tender (about 15 minutes).Drain and ke ...
Heat 1 tablespoons of the dressing in large skillet on medium-high heat. Add meat; cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly.Add peppers and onions; cook and stir 5 minutes, or until steak is cooked throu ...
Put rice in a bowl and rinse under running water for 2 minutes, then drain.Pour rice into a large saucepan, add the water and salt, and bring to a boil.Reduce heat to low and simmer for 35 minutes o ...
Place potatoes in medium-size saucepan and cover with cold water. Salt lightly. Bring to a boil and simmer 15-20 minutes until tender. Meanwhile, cook bacon in a large nonstick skillet until crisp. ...
Toss the first 5 ingredients in a medium bowl. Season generously with salt and pepper to taste. Let it stand at room temperature, tossing often, until the mushrooms soften, about 20 to 30 minutes.Me ...
Heat a large skillet over medium high heat and add mushrooms and ginger.Cook, stirring frequently, until mushrooms are brown (10 minutes).Remove from heat and transfer to bowl.Cover and refrigerate ...
flatten your steak if it is a thick one, and sprinkle with cracked pepper.cook till rare or medium, place on board to rest for 5 minutes.combine salad greens in a bowl.combine dressing ingredients i ...
Place the potatoes in a pot. Cover with water, sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoons salt, and bring to a boil. Cook about 15-20 minutes, or until tender when pierced with a fork. Drain, rinse under cold wate ...