br>Soak 5 charcoals in charcoal lighter.
Place in pan
Marinate quail in oil for at least 2 hours or overnight.
Cook over hot charcoal for 20 to 30 minutes, basting with Charcoal Bird Sauce.
To serve, pour remaining sauce over quail.
hile ribs set, build a charcoal fire (preferred) or preheat your
Tear off four 6 x 9-inch pieces of heavy-duty foil.
Brush sweet potatoes with oil.
Pierce several times with fork.
Wrap potatoes in foil.
Grill potatoes on uncovered grill, over medium-hot Kingsford charcoal briquets, about 1 hour or until tender, turning once. Remove foil.
Open potatoes with tines of fork and push ends to fluff.
Top each with 1 tablespoon butter and 1 tablespoon brown sugar.
Scrub oysters well.
Arrange oysters on grill grid.
Do not open shells!
Grill on uncovered grill, medium-hot Kingsford charcoal briquets, 12 to 15 minutes or until shells steam open. Discard ones that don't open.
While oysters are on grill, in a saucepan combine margarine, lemon juice and parsley.
Heat butter mixture on edge of grill until butter melts, stirring frequently. Carefully remove oysters from grill.
Spoon lemon butter mixture over top and serve hot.
Yields 4 servings.
large chimney starter of charcoal (80 to 100 briquettes). Leaving
Place 10 pounds charcoal in the fire-pan.
Place 2O lbs charcoal in pork cooker. pour 1
Place charcoal in a small disposal bowl.
Mix first 3 ingredients together and pour mixture over charcoal.
Put several drops of different colored inks on the charcoal.
Leave bowl undisturbed for several days and crystals will cover the charcoal in an interesting formation, growing and spreading every day.
The crystals will be white where no ink is used.
he meat.
Place your charcoal grates at the lowest setting
Mix salt, water, bluing and ammonia in a bowl.
Put charcoal in a clear glass container.
Pour the mixture over the charcoal. Sprinkle drops of food colorings on charcoal to give color.
Set container in warm place.
Carefully water a little when liquid is absorbed.
nd 1 tsp. Equal for Recipes in bottom of 9 inch
Have your wife season meat and remind her to buy a 20-pound bag of briquets and lug home.
Ask where matches are.
Ask where briquets are.
Ask where charcoal starter is.
Start fire with great gusts of soot and smoke.
Ask for water to put out fire in meat.
Ask what time it is.
Ask how long meat has been cooking. Is it done when similar in appearance to charcoal?
nd 1 tsp. Equal for Recipes or 3 packets Equal sweetener
ater for 1 hour. Prepare charcoal grill for indirect grilling by
n the refrigerator.
Some recipes call for the dough to
day, then START YOUR CHARCOAL NOW! If not, skip to
Let charcoal fire burn down to only coals.
Double aluminum foil and form around fish; allow for top to stay open.
Cut sticks of butter into strips about 1/4 inch thick.
Sprinkle fish with lemon pepper and lay strips of butter on top of fish placed over charcoal.
Check every 5 minutes and baste with melted butter until fish gets flaky, usually about 20 to 30 minutes.
Don't overcook or fish will dry out and shrink.
Add thyme or marjoram to hot charcoal.
The herbed charcoal will lend a delicious flavor to a variety of meats, such as chicken or fish.
Grill prepared meat and serve immediately.
Mix the water, bluing, salt and ammonia together and stir well.
Place the charcoal in a soup bowl.
Put bowl in a large dish.
Now pour solution over charcoal and put bowl where it won't be disturbed.
You can color your garden by putting ink or food coloring in the bowl.
In a few hours, the first crystals will form and in a few days, a wonderful crystal garden will fill the bowl.