Dissolve Jell-O in 1 and 1/4 cup boiling water.
Stir in strawberries, sugar, and salt.
Cool until thickened in refrigerator.
Fold in whipping cream.
Cover bottom of 9 inch pan with torn pieces Angel Food cake.
Pour half of strawberry mixture over it.
Make another layer of cake.
Pour remainder of strawberry mixture over it.
Refrigerate for 4 to 5 hours.
Remove and cover with thin layer of cool-whip.
This dish is best made in a clear serving dish so that you can see the pretty layers!
This is another really old menu.
My aunt, who later became head chef at the Memorial Union at the University of Wisconsin, gave me the salad and dessert recipes way back in the forties.
emaining chocolate for top of dessert.
In another bowl, beat
ightly browned. Cool.
Prepare dessert mix according to package directions
Combine jello, boiling water, and sugar and let jell to thick syrup. Then whip slightly. Add remaining ingredients.
Pour into 9 inch square pan. Top with maraschino cherry halves if desired. Refrigerate for several hours. This salad makes an excellent late evening dessert. Serve with crackers (Triscuits, Wheat Thins, etc.) or even with hot rolls. Coffee, of course!
Prepare the jello as directed on box in large bowl the night before so it is set & hardened for recipe. Then, whisk jello in its bowl and add to large bowl that you will serve the dessert in.
Fold in the bananas, cherries, & whipped cream until all combined.
Refrigerate until thick or ready to serve.
Cover the bottom of a 13 X 9 inch pan with whole graham crackers; set aside.
Combine pudding mixes and milk in large bowl; fold into whipped topping.
Spread pudding mixture over the graham crackers.
Top with another layer of crackers.
Spread frosting over the crackers.
Cover and refrigerate.
Dessert is best made 2-3 days ahead of time.
ne meringue mest into each dessert dish, spoon in as much
aking the rest of the dessert.
In a very chilled
eanwhile, for the apricots in dessert wine syrup, remove peel from
---------CROWNJEWEL CHEESE DESSERT----- Prepare Crown Jewel dessert, subsituting cream cheese
Dissolve jello in boiling water in a metal pan.
Remove 1/2 cup of this and put into bowl.
Add 1/2 cup cold water to jello in pan and place in freezer until thick (10-15 min.).
Add 1 cup ice cream to jello in bowl and stir until smooth. Place thickened jello from freezer in dessert dishes and top with ice cream mixture.
Chill for at least an hour and serve.
cups; add to danish dessert. Mix and bring to a
Process all ingredients in a blender at high speed until smooth.
Pour in a glass and serve immediately.
Keep Europe's Best fruit frozen when preparing smoothies.
Adjust texture by adding more or reducing amounts of ingredients.
For a creamier Europe's Best smoothie, add yogurt, soy milk, ice cream or milk.
Add a little honey or brown sugar for a sweeter beverage.
repare the box of Danish Dessert according to directions.
he pints of Coconutmilk frozen dessert on the counter to soften
Break cake into bite size pieces.
Arrange half of the cake pieces in bottom of a 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking dish.
Top with half of the undrained pineapple and cherries.
Spread half of the dessert topping over all; top with half of the coconut.
Repeat layers, ending with dessert topping and coconut.
Cover; refrigerate overnight.
Makes 12 servings.
old in half of the dessert topping (Cool Whip) and carefully
BEST PANCAKE MIX: In large bowl,
Melt butter and sugar; pour over the Rice Krispies, walnuts and coconut.
Put 1/2 of this mixture into greased 9 x 13-inch pan. Slice the ice cream and lay on top of this mixture.
Now add the other half of the mix on top of the ice cream and press down firmly.
Place in freezer.
Cook Danish Dessert as package indicates.
Add berries (thawed).
Top dessert with sauce as you serve it.
Add dollop of Cool Whip.