We have tried to collect the most interesting and delicious recipes from all over the internet for you.

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The Best Healthy Turkey Chili By Ambitious Kitchen

Next add in ground turkey and break up the meat; cooking until

Cajun Deep Fried Turkey

ngs and tail to the body of the turkey. Make sure that there

Best Apple Cider Brined Turkey

Remove the turkey from the wrapping, remove neck and

Deep-Fried Turkey

Heat peanut oil in King Turkey Cooker to 350\u00b0.
Season outside of turkey.
Secure turkey to hangers and submerge into oil.
Cook 8 minutes per pound.
This is the best turkey you will ever have.
Meat is moist and juicy; skin is crispy.

The Best Turkey Meatballs!

gin by heating the tomato sauce over

The Best Ugly Turkey

(175 degrees C) Rinse the turkey inside and out and pat

The Best Roast Turkey You Could Ever Eat

nse the turkey and dry it well. Sprinkle the cavity

The Best Turkey Gravy

move the wrapping, and place the giblets and turkey neck

Mom'S Best Ever Turkey Meatloaf

f too wet.
Press turkey mixture into pan.

The Best Leftover Turkey Gumbo

Make the roux.
In a large

Butter Tarts,,The Best Of The Best.....

ew raisins or nuts in the bottom of tart shells.

Best Gooey Brownie Recipe Ever

egrees Celsius.
Melt the butter and lightly grease

Texas-Style Chicken Fried Steak With Cream Gravy

eat together the egg and milk

The Best Veggie Burgers Ever!

o mashed potatoes and mash the whole mixture well.

Julia & Jacques'S Deconstructed Turkey With Corn Bread Stuff

t the center of the remaining roasting pan. Drape the backbone-less turkey over the

The Best Basic Hummus Recipe

Rinse the chickpeas in cold water and tip into the food processor. Add the tahini, crushed garlic, salt, lemon juice and seven tablespoons of the reserved liquid from the cans. Turn on the food processor and slowly pour in the oil while it runs.
When the mixture is fully combined and smooth, tip it into a serving dish. Drizzle with some more extra virgin olive oil and decorate with a few whole chickpeas. Sprinkle with paprika and finely chopped coriander or parsley leaves, for colour.

The Best Play Dough Recipe

Mix flour and salt in a large bowl.
In a glass measuring cup, mix alum, water, oil, and color and add to the flour/salt mixture. Stir until slightly cool.
Knead well, adding flour until it stops sticking to your hands.
Keep in an airtight container when not in use.

The Best Bacon Sarnie

few small cuts in the fat around each bacon

The Best Buffalo Chicken Dip!

In saucepan over medium heat combine all ingredients until well blended without lumps, add your chicken (we think it's better with chunkier chicken, than shredding chicken).
The best part about this dip is that you can throw it together super quick- no need to let it sit in a crockpot -- but you can always make it and transfer to a crockpot for large parties- trust me, you will want to make loads!
