rface and knead by hand for 5 minutes. Wrap the
ornmeal, then toss the drenched oysters in the batter.
Stir together onion, hoisin, garlic& pepper flakes.
Add oysters and marinate for 15 minutes.
Thread 2 oysters onto each skewer.
Place on greased grill over high heat.
Brush with reserved marinade.
Cook, turning once, for 2 minutes or until firm.
Sprinkle with cilantro.
For the sweet potatoes: Boil the
ighest temperature.
Arrange the oysters on a bed of rock
e speed slightly and mix for 2 to 3 minutes, until
nd cook in the microwave for about 30 seconds in high
(200 degrees C). Place oysters in a baking pan, flat
rill to heatproof surface. Nestle oysters in hot rock salt. Top
Scrub oysters well.
Arrange oysters on grill grid.
Do not open shells!
Grill on uncovered grill, medium-hot Kingsford charcoal briquets, 12 to 15 minutes or until shells steam open. Discard ones that don't open.
While oysters are on grill, in a saucepan combine margarine, lemon juice and parsley.
Heat butter mixture on edge of grill until butter melts, stirring frequently. Carefully remove oysters from grill.
Spoon lemon butter mixture over top and serve hot.
Yields 4 servings.
nd salt.
Arrange the oysters on the grill or oven
Combine oysters with their liquor (juices), clam juice, 1 tablespoon of the butter, chili sauce, Worcestershire sauce and celery salt in top of double boiler over boiling water.
Whisk vigorously (without hurting oysters) for 1 minute until the oysters' petticoats begin to ruffle (edges start to curl).
Add cream.
Stir over boiling water for 1 minute more.
Place toast in wide soup bowl.
Pour pan roast over toast.
Dot with remaining tablespoon of butter.
Sprinkle with paprika.
Serve immediately.
Heat coals to medium hot.
Place grill 4-inches above coals or preheat broiler.
Wash shells well and dry.
(They can be used again.)
Replace oysters in shell halves.
If broiling, place on cookie sheet.
Combine butter and garlic and spoon over oysters. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
Grill or broil until they begin to puff.
Remove from heat.
Sprinkle with parsley.
Serve immediately.
ombine all ingredients except the oysters and mix thoroughly to combine
Mix the tahina paste with cold water in a bowl.
Add salt, cumin seeds, lemon juice, orange juice, pepper and salt.
Mix well and keep aside.
Heat oil in a skillet.
Add garlic and 20gms of onion.
Stir-fry until brown.
Add the tahina mix and keep boiling on low flame until well cooked.
Allow to cool.
When it cools, arrange the grilled fish on the mix and top it with fried onions and pine nuts.
Serve hot.
pices (or use my recipe for Jamaican Spice Mixture recipe #108351, ginger and
Combine melted butter, onion, garlic, lemon pepper and parsley. Fill muffin tin 1/3 full with onion mixture and top with large oyster or 2 small ones.
Place muffin tins on grill and cook 5 to 10 minutes or until oysters turn white and barely curl at edges. Good hors d'oeuvre when cooking on grill.
hisking together all ingredients except for the oysters; cover with plastic wrap
Drain oysters; reserve liquid.
Mix all other ingredients to oyster liquid.
Dip oysters in the batter.
Put in deep fat fryer. Cook until golden brown.
Makes 18 puffs.
You can substitute mushrooms for the oysters and they are great also.
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