he skillet. Add onion and ginger. Cook for 1 minute. Add
In a cocktail shaker, combine all ingredients with ice. Shake well and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with lime wedge.
For the ginger syrup:.
In a medium saucepan over high heat, combine sugar, ginger and water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until syrupy and reduced by half, about 40 to 45 minutes. Strain ginger pieces out and reserve syrup.
(Trick: toss dried ginger in sugar, bake at 200 degrees until dried thru, about 4 hours and voila-ginger candy).
ith lettuce, cucumber and Ginger Mayonnaise (recipe follows).
Garnish with additional
Combine the milk, tea and sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
Wash a thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger. Pound until flat - juice should begin to ooze.
Add the ginger to the milk-tea mixture when it begins to boil.
Reduce the heat, letting it all simmer for 2-3 minutes.
Add ginger to the bottled sake and refrigerate overnight.
Fill a martini shaker halfway with ice. Add 1 cup ginger-infused sake and shake until well chilled.
Strain sake into 4 martini glasses; stir in 3 tablespoons ginger ale per glass. Repeat to make 8 drinks.
Garnish each glass with a lemon twist and a strip of crystallized ginger on each rim.
Peel and slice ginger into 2 inch lenghts and
Peel the ginger using a sharp-edged teaspoon (
overed raisins.
The original recipe did not call for the
ags and discard. Add the Ginger Simple Syrup, lemon juice, and
Cover the ginger root pieces in sherry.<
arlic and finely grate the ginger.
Put the chicken in
Soak ginger slivers in ice water, covered for 12 hours.
In a small stainless or enamel saucepan combine vinegar, honey and miso.
Bring to a boil.
Pack drained ginger into 2 half pint jars.
Pour hot liquid over ginger, leaving 1/2 inch head space.
Seal and process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes at altitudes up to 1000 feet.
See altitude chart for higher altitudes.
Grate the frozen ginger and set aside.
mall saucepan and add the ginger, black tea leaves, half and
Cook the shallots, ginger, and garlic in the butter in a medium skillet over moderate heat for 4 minutes, stirring.
Stir in the tomatoes and the sugar, and gently simmer, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes.
Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Put the sauce through a food mill or puree in a food processor or blender until smooth.
Toss with hot pasta and parsley leaves.
Serve immediately.
This recipe yields 4 servings, enough sauce for 1 pound of dried pasta.
Combine all ingredients in a blender.
Blend on high speed for about 30 seconds or until all of the ginger is well-pureed.
This recipe yields 1 3/4 cups.
n lemon zest and the ginger.
Using a rubber spatula
br>PLACE cake mix, flour, ginger, lime peel, melted butter, eggs