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Unknownchef86'S Basic Vanilla Ice Cream (With Variations)

Variations on vanilla: Using the basic vanilla recipe and the following

Homemade Vanilla Extract

Put vanilla bean in a clean jar and cover with rum or brandy.
Cap the jar and store in a cool and dark place for at least 6 weeks to let the flavor develop.
Once a week lightly shake jar.
Strain the vanilla extract through a cheesecloth lined strainer and into a sealed jar.
Give as a gift with a recipe that uses vanilla or a handbaked gift.
If giving at Christmas time I double or triple my recipe.

Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars With Streusel Topping Recipe

one at a time, and vanilla.
Stir to combine.

See'S Fudge Candy (The “ Original” Recipe!)

uts and 1 teaspoons of vanilla, blend well, pour into buttered

Coquito - Traditional Recipe (Made With Egg Yolks)

Mix at room temperature egg yolks, sugar, milk, vanilla extract in big pot and simmer over low flame to melt sugar, mixing continuously.
Add Coco Lopez and continue to mix for about 15 minutes on low flame.
Add Rum and cinnamon sticks with water.
Mix everything on low flame for about 20 minutes.
Let cool and serve.
** Use whisk for a smoother consistency ** if desired.

Vanilla Pastry Cream

e heat, stir in the vanilla extract, and chill before filling

Chocolate Strawberry Torte Recipe

fter each addition. Beat in vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda

Vanilla Cake Batter Ice Cream

over medium heat place in vanilla bean pod, whipping cream, dash

Tres Leches Cake With Berries Recipe

f granulated sugar and the vanilla extract in the bowl of

Mawmaw Bellard'S Pralines (Microwave Recipe)

combine all except for vanilla extract in a microwave safe

Vanilla And Strawberry Cake

fter each addition. Beat in vanilla. Add sour cream, and beat

Vanilla Room Spray Recipe

Fill the spray bottle with 1.
5 ounces of vanilla extract and 1.
5 ounces of distilled water.
(Even though a 4 oz. bottle is suggested, leave about 1 oz. unfilled so you can shake the bottle well between uses.) Shake the bottle prior to each use, and let it sit for about a day before making a conclusion that the aroma is too weak; the aroma can change after the air freshener has had time to sit.
Mist lightly in the room.
Be especially careful not to allow the air freshener mist fall onto furniture or into open beverages.

Applebee'S Real Triple Chocolate Meltdown Recipe

Add eggs, milk, oil and vanilla; mix until well blended, and

Cinnamon Roll With Vanilla Frosting

owl, place sugar, butter and vanilla. Then stir in enough milk

Cinnamon Roll With Vanilla Frosting Or Cinnzeo Buns

owl, place sugar, butter and vanilla. Then stir in enough milk

Microwave Vanilla Cream Pie & Variations

br>Blend in butter and vanilla.
Pour into the cooled

Gelato, Low Sugar, Low Fat Vanilla And Variations

br>Add remaining cold milk, vanilla bean paste, and alcohol.

Tres Leches (Family Recipe)

with a few drops of vanilla extract. Pour over the cake

Basic Muffin Recipe

Preheat the oven to 350\u00b0F. Lightly grease a 12-cup muffin pan or line with paper liners.
Sift flour into a large bowl. Stir in sugar.
Whisk milk, butter, eggs and vanilla in a medium bowl.
Make a well in center of dry ingredients. Add milk mixture and mix lightly, until just combined. Do not over-mix. Spoon into prepared muffin pan.
Bake 15-20 mins, until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. Cool in pan 5 mins. Remove from pan; cool completely on wire rack.

Cuban Flan (Custard) Recipe

ightly the egg yolks, whites, vanilla and sugar until well mixed
