edium high heat, mix sugar, eggnog and vanilla. Stir until it
maintaining stiff peaks.
Chocolate Fudge Chunks:
Line an 8x8
Cover and freeze overnight.
For the fudge sauce, place all ingredients
owl and allow to cool for 15 mins.
Stir sifted
For the fudge filling:
Finely chop the
ith cooking spray.
Stir eggnog and sugar together in prepared
easpoon butter.
Combine sugar, eggnog, and 1/2 cup butter
heavy bottomed saucepan, add eggnog and sugar, bring to a
ak clean.
Stir the fudge thoroughly but not vigorously
heavy saucepan, combine butter, eggnog and sugar. Bring to a
n prepared pan, combine sugar, eggnog and corn syrup.
ooden spoon.
Let boil for two minutes exactly with heat
aucepan with cooking spray. Heat eggnog and sugar over medium heat
Bring the sugar, butter and eggnog to a full boil in
Chill the mixture for several hours (overnight is even
r>Combine sugar, butter and eggnog in a heavy 2-1
br>Combine the sugar, butter, eggnog, nutmeg, and cinnamon in a
nto the prepared molds. Bake for about 30 mins. Allow to
aper over 2 opposite sides for handles.
Sift flour, baking
eat to low and simmer for 5 mins. Transfer to a