Combine all ingredients in an airtight jar, mix thoroughly.
Keep sealed until ready to use.
To give as a gift, place in a pretty jar, along with some recipes. This would look nice in a basket, maybe with some measuring spoons, and ingredients for one of the recipes you give. Enjoy!
tir fry and lift.
Enter the last into the water
ith the remainder of the ingredients and put in slow cooker
he Splenda through the salt ingredients together in a large bowl
TO START: Combine all ingredients in a clean, large glass
o easy I struggled to find the last/8th step, as
nto eggplant.
Add remaining ingredients, season to taste.
loves, even with 6 i find it to be mild to
rom the peppers. Mix all ingredients.
In electric mixer, place
se as shortening in other recipes). Chicharrons may be purchased at
br>Heat the 1st 4 ingredients to a simmering boil on
Preheat oven 375 degrees.
Beat two eggs together first
Then add all Filling Ingredients together with eggs.
Add to pie crust.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Tak out of oven to cool for 15 minutes.
Mix Topping Ingredients together
Spread Topping on the top of the pie and bake for 5 minutes.
Put in fridge to cool, even better overnight.
e perfect) Add the other ingredients except the paprika garnish. Stir
Combine all ingredients. Add salt if desired, I find it is not necessary. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Keeps for 5 days.
It is great on some grilled chicken, chicken wings, or for dipping.
br>Add all the other ingredients and heat about 5 more
ust enough to work the ingredients together properly at which point
In a bowl combine the ingredients. Some recipes online indicate to mix well while others stir the ingredients together in a \"swirly\" manner (think of a marbled cake). I'll let you decide that.
Serve at room temperature.
Use as a spread/dip with Turkish or Arabic bread, French bread, etc.
Again this is blended with an electric mixer.
If you are serving a small party, or several dips, you may wish to cut these recipes in two.
No trouble.
Goes well on party crackers.
achos. WOW!
The sub recipes are wonderful and versatile. This
aking a roux. You can find recipes on this site on how