Deep Fried Beef Rolls:
Brown grown beef in a skillet.
Discard excess fat.
Mix ground beef with chopped scallions, salt, coriander and eggs.
Fill each spring rolls with ~ 2-3 tablespoon of the ground beef mixture.
Fold the edges to make a rectangle shaped rolls.
Deep fried beef rolls in oil, 2-3 minutes per side.
Dipping Sauce:
Mix all ingredients together, cover with plastic wrap, chill for at least 1 hour before serving.
br>Heat oil in a deep frying pan over high heat
eat the oil in a deep-fat fryer and when hot
arrow tall pot or a deep fryer.
Pot should be
s the stuffing for the deep fried jalapeno poppers.
Cut the
eat oil for deep-frying in wok or deep-fryer to 375
Heat oil for deep-frying to between 360-375
ind cheeses, this is delicious deep-fried in beer batter and served
inches of oil in deep fry pan or large pot
Your oil reached the desired deep frying temperature when it starts
p to 1 week.
Taco Recipe:
Place three medium bowls
hether they are being pan fried or deep fried.
The squash and
Fill each fried tortilla with some of the
o give them a second deep frying.
This deepens their
heat the oil in a deep pan or wok over high
b>deep plate. Pour the soup on top then add the stir-fried
Prepare Thanksgiving Deep Fried Turkey:
First you will
rawn about 1/4 inch deep.
In a mixing bowl
To the chicken, add the taco seasoning, the cream of chicken
nd onions, and add the taco seasoning.
Take one egg