make 2 slits in each calzone so the steam can escape
br>Tuck in sides of calzone so nothing leaks when baked
Prick tops of calzone with fork, brush lightly with
large spatula, transfer the calzone to a baking sheet or
Start the machine.
Calzone Filling:
Heat oven to
he egg wash over the calzone.
Bake in the preheated
Cut slits in top of calzone. Brush with water. Sprinkle with
lace on top of the calzone.
Secure edges of pie
or filling the calzone.
To assemble the calzone: Spread filling on
he edge to close the calzone.
Place calzones onto baking
n top of the calzone.
Put the calzone into the oven
rimp the edges of each calzone to thoroughly seal (I like
he parcel.
Leave the calzone to rest for about 15
nch disc.
For each calzone, place 1/4 of ground
ake 20-25 minutes, until calzone are golden. Serve with salad
nch round.
For each calzone, arrange one-quarter spinach over
o combine.
For each calzone, roll a piece of dough
tick baking sheet. Brush each calzone with some water and poke
round the edge of the calzone for decoration.
Bake for
team to release.
Transfer calzone from pizza pad to pizza