eat a 6- or 8-quart pressure cooker over medium-high heat. Add
ixture to 6- or 8-quart pressure cooker. Add peppercorns, bay leaves, and
Heat oil in a 4 or 6-quart pressure cooker.
Brown chicken a few
Heat a 6-quart pressure cooker over medium-high heat.
n the bottom of the pressure cooker pot. Press \"Saute\" button.
elt butter in an 8-quart pressure cooker over medium-high heat.
it loosely in a 4- or 6-quart pressure cooker. Place 1 cup water
6- to 8-quart pressure cooker, combine beans, onion, oil, water
n open 8-quart pressure cooker over medium heat until tender, 4 to 5
In a 4 or 6 quart pressure cooker, combine beef, carrots, mushrooms, onion,
-quart pressure cooker over medium-high heat.
Add butter to cooker, swirl
ieces and pound until 1/4 inch thick.
Combine flour
nd pork in a 6-quart pressure cooker. Bring pot to heat so
Mix milk, cream, margarine, rice, sugar, cinnamon, and lemon rind in metal bowl that fits loosely in a 4- or 6-quart pressure cooker.
Cover bowl firmly with aluminum foil.
Place 2 cups water, cooking rack or steamer basket, and bowl in cooker.
Close cover securely.
COOK 20 MINUTES, at 15 pounds pressure. Let pressure drop of its own accord.
Open pressure cooker and let rice steam, uncovered, 15 minutes.
Stir to mix. Spoon into bowls; sprinkle lightly with brown sugar.
he bottom of a 4-quart or larger pressure cooker. Add water and potatoes
In a 4-quart or larger pressure cooker, heat bacon over medium
In 5 or 6 quart pressure cooker brown beef on all sides in oil.
Stir in all ingredients EXCEPT tomatoes.
Lock lid on pressure cooker and cook on high until the weight begins to \"jiggle\".
Lower heat to a slow consistent \"jiggle\" and cook for 15 minutes.
Remove from heat and let pressure release conventionally.
Stir in tomatoes and return to stove and simmer an additional 5-10 minutes.
I used a 5 qt pressure cooker at 12 pounds of pressure for this recipe.
Add all pressure cooker ingredients, stir so meat is
Place trivet in bottom of a 4-quart or larger pressure cooker. Add yams and water.
Close lid and bring pressure to 2nd red ring (high pressure) over high heat. Adjust heat to stabilize pressure at 2nd red ring (high pressure). Cook for 15 minutes.
Remove from heat and allow pressure to drop naturally.
Slip the yams out of their skins and mash with butter, nutmeg and salt.
Place in a decorative, warmed serving dish.
On waxed paper, coat meat with flour.
In heated 4-quart pressure cooker, without rack, in hot butter or margarine, brown meat well. Add carrots, celery, onions, potatoes, cocktail vegetable juice and 2 cups hot water or enough to make cooker 2/3 full. Add salt and seasoned pepper. Bring pressure up on cooker. Cook 15 minutes. Remove from heat and reduce pressure quickly before uncovering.
Makes about 11 cups or 8 servings.