English Muffin Bread - cooking recipe

    5 c. flour
    2 pkg. dry yeast
    1 tsp. salt
    1/4 tsp. baking soda
    2 Tbsp. grated lemon rind
    1 3/4 c. milk
    1/2 c. water
    1/3 c. honey
    In a large bowl combine 3 cups flour, yeast, salt and soda. Stir in lemon rind.
    In a saucepan combine water, milk and honey. Heat to 130\u00b0.
    Add to dry ingredients and beat well.
    Add remaining flour to stiffen batter.
    Spoon into small well-greased pan.
    Sprinkle with cornmeal.
    Allow to rise to top of dish. Microwave on High 6 1/2 minutes.

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