Fanny'S Brownies - cooking recipe
1 pkg. Kraft caramels
1 box German chocolate cake mix
2/3 c. evaporated milk, separated
3/4 c. melted butter
1 c. pecans
1 c. chocolate chips
Melt caramels in 1/3 cup of evaporated milk.
While melting, mix in large bowl cake mix, melted butter, pecans and remaining 1/3 cup evaporated milk.
Put 1/2 this mixture in buttered and floured 9 x 13-inch pan.
Do not spread; break apart with fingers. Bake 6 minutes at 350\u00b0 (no longer).
Remove from oven and cover with chocolate chips and caramel mixture.
Spoon rest of cake mixture over top.
(Do not spread.)
Return to oven and bake additional 16 minutes.
Makes 2 dozen.
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