Cucumber Boats - cooking recipe

    3 cucumbers (6 portions)
    1/4 lb. bacon
    1/2 lb. mushrooms
    bread crumbs
    chopped onion
    1 egg
    salt and pepper to taste
    1 can tomato paste
    butter (as needed)
    Cut cucumbers in half lengthwise; remove seeds, scoop out pulp and chop in bowl.
    Cook bacon.
    Saute chopped onion in bacon fat. Mix cucumber pulp, chopped mushrooms, beaten egg, salt and pepper. Add bread crumbs to make consistency of mashed potatoes.
    Pile mixture back into cucumber shells.
    Spread each with 1 tablespoon tomato paste; dot with butter.
    Bake at 350\u00b0 for 30 minutes.

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