Cheesed Zucchini - cooking recipe

    1/2 doz. medium zucchini, peeled and quartered lengthwise
    garlic salt
    pinch of oregano
    coarse pepper
    3 ripe tomatoes (unpeeled), sliced
    sharp cheese slices
    bacon strips
    Peel and quarter the zucchini.
    Cover bottom of shallow baking dish with zucchini.
    Sprinkle with salt, garlic salt, oregano and pepper.
    Slice the tomatoes; place over squash.
    Season same as for squash.
    Slice enough onion to make a layer; season as before. Over onion, layer sharp cheese slices.
    Top with layer of bacon strips.
    Bake, uncovered, at 350\u00b0 for 45 minutes.

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