Boiled Chicken Pot Pie - cooking recipe

    1 whole chicken
    4 stalks celery, diced
    1 large onion, diced
    6 eggs (or egg substitute)
    salt to taste
    pepper to taste
    4 Tbsp. chicken bouillon
    4 potatoes, peeled and quartered
    4 c. flour
    2 level Tbsp. Crisco
    Cook chicken, celery, onion, salt, pepper and bouillon until chicken is tender and you have a good chicken broth.
    Remove fat, bones and skin from cooked chicken; set broth aside for later use. Mix flour and Crisco until well blended.
    Add eggs until you have a sticky yellow dough (must be sticky).
    Roll out on a well-floured board until very thin.
    Cut into small bite-size squares.
    Bring chicken broth to boil.
    Add potatoes and then drop squares of dough one at a time into broth.
    Cook for 20 minutes, stirring frequently, or until tender.
    Add boned chicken and simmer until chicken is heated.
    If necessary, add more salt and pepper to taste.
    Serve with a vegetable.

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