Yummy Butterfinger Cake - cooking recipe

    yellow cake mix
    1 jar caramel ice cream topping
    1 can condensed milk
    6 large Butterfinger candy bars, crunched
    16 oz. Cool Whip
    Follow the directions for a yellow cake mix and bake.
    While the cake is still warm, take a wooden handle spoon and poke holes in the top of the cake.
    Mix the caramel topping and condensed milk.
    Pour the mixture over the cake while it is warm.
    Crunch 3 large Butterfingers over the top of the caramel mixture.
    Spread 16 ounces Cool Whip on top.
    Crunch 3 more Butterfinger candy bars on top of Cool Whip.
    Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving. Easy...easy!

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