Beet Wine - cooking recipe

    3 lb. beets
    3 lb. sugar
    6 cloves
    1/2 oz. yeast
    1 1/2 gal. boiling water
    Wash beets, but do not peel them.
    Cut up in slices and add boiling water.
    Bring back to a boil and simmer until tender. Strain with a sieve or cheesecloth.
    Add sugar and cloves to juice and heat to dissolve sugar.
    Stir all the time.
    Cool until lukewarm.
    Put in a bowl or crock.
    Spread yeast on a slice of toast and place on juice.
    Cover for 3 days, then remove toast. Strain and bottle.
    Cork and bottle loosely at first.
    Add one piece of hard sugar candy to each bottle in 4 or 5 days.
    Ready in 6 months or more.

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