St. Mary'S Stuffed Ham - cooking recipe

    12 to 14 lb. ham
    Use a corned ham.
    If skin is still on ham, remove by paring off with a sharp knife.
    Leave skin on hock end.
    With fat side up, pierce with long thin knife in slits across first row about 1-inch apart, as deep as possible without going through the bottom.
    In some areas the bone will stop you.
    On the second row, stagger (like bricks) from the first row, so they are off center. Continue rows as far back as possible.
    When all rows are complete, begin stuffing holes with prepared mixture.
    It will take at least 1 hour to stuff.
    Rest done in low metal baking pan with at least 2-inch edge, to catch juices that come from ham. Completely seal over edge of pan with foil to cook.
    Steam bake approximately 20 minutes per pound at 325\u00b0.

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