Hobotee - cooking recipe

    2 lb. cooked beef or lamb
    2 onions, chopped
    1 large slice of bread
    1 c. milk
    2 eggs, divided
    2 Tbsp. curry powder
    1 tsp. sugar
    juice of lemon or 2 Tbsp. vinegar
    6 to 8 almonds, chopped or 1/2 c. coconut
    2 Tbsp. cooking oil
    bay leaves or lemon slices for garnish
    Mince meat.
    Soak bread in milk and squeeze dry.
    Fry chopped onions in oil.
    When browned, sprinkle in curry powder and cook a few minutes, being careful not to burn.
    Mix all ingredients with minced meat and bread, adding 1 egg.
    Whisk other egg with milk, and after putting curry mixture into greased cups, pour some of this over it.
    Stick a slice of lemon or bay leaf into each cup. Bake 30 minutes at 350\u00b0 and serve in cups with rice and chutney. May be baked in casserole.
    Serves 8.

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