Green Mango Chutney - cooking recipe

    12 medium green unripe mangos, diced
    3 c. golden raisins
    1 c. dark rum
    6 c. brown sugar
    4 c. apple cider vinegar
    2 medium onions, diced
    1/2 c. grated ginger
    2 tsp. salt
    zest of 3 limes
    5 cloves minced garlic
    8 Hawaiian chili peppers, seeded and diced
    2 tsp. allspice
    2 tsp. cumin
    Sprinkle 2 teaspoons salt over diced mangos and let sit.
    Add raisins to 1 cup dark rum and soak until rum absorbed.
    Combine vinegar and sugar and bring to boil for 5 minutes.
    Add mangos and cook over low heat until tender.
    Add all other ingredients and simmer on high for 1/2 hour.
    Reduce heat to low and simmer for 1 hour.
    Place in sterilized jars and seal.

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