Baked Bunny Bread - cooking recipe

    1 (1 lb.) loaf frozen bread dough, thawed
    1 egg, beaten
    small gumdrops
    string licorice
    Grease two cookie sheets.
    On a lightly
    floured bread board, cut dough into four equal sections.
    Each section will make a bunny.
    To make each bunny, divide one section in half.
    Shape one half into a large oval for the bunny's body and place it on a cookie sheet.
    Divide the other half in half again.
    Form a round head with one piece and place it above the body on cookie sheet. Divide the other piece in half again.
    Shape two ears from one half and make arms and legs from the other half.
    Attach them to the bunny.
    Place two bunnies on each cookie sheet, spacing them well apart, then brush the bunnies with the egg.
    Loosely cover them with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until double in size.
    Bake at 350\u00b0 for 15 to 20 minutes.
    Let cool.

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