Place in layers in the order given in a greased casserole dish.Bake 1 hour and 15 minutes at 350\u00b0.Cover with foil while baking.Remove cover last 15 minutes and dot with cheese.Serves 12. ...
Cook and drain cabbage.Mix all ingredients together with cabbage except butter and crackers.Pour into buttered casserole dish.Mix crushed Ritz crackers with butter.Put on top of casserole.Bake at 35 ...
Peel and slice potatoes thin ingreased casserole dish.Salt and pepper.Top with corn, sliced carrots and onion thin over top.Sprinkle bell pepper over crumbled, uncooked ground beef on top.Pour tomat ...
Cook chicken in water.Reserve water and remove meat from bones.Discard skin and bones.Cook macaroni in reserved water. Drain mushrooms and olives; retain liquid.Thicken liquid with 2 tablespoons of ...
Pan fry onions in hot fat in heavy skillet.Add hamburger. Combine meat seasonings, noodles and soup in a 3-quart casserole. Top with cheese.Bake in 350\u00b0 oven for 30 minutes. ...
Cook rice according to package directions and put it in a greased casserole dish. Cook broccoli and drain. Stir into broccoli the Cheez Whiz, soup and onions. Pour broccoli mixture over rice. Bake a ...
Brown sausage; drain well.Add tomato sauce, garlic salt, pepper, basil and 1/2 cup water.Cover; simmer 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. ...
Butter 10 x 14-inch casserole.Line with tortillas.Mix. Layer chili, beans with juice and cover with cheese.Layer 6 tortillas.Mix tomatoes and soup.Pour over all.Cover with foil and bake 1 hour at 32 ...
Thaw broccoli.Thoroughly mix all ingredients in a large casserole dish.Bake, uncovered, at 350\u00b0 for 1 hour and 15 minutes. ...