For the Stew:
In a large pot,
dding them to the stew.
For the stew: Melt butter in medium
For the Stew:
Season the beef generously
Heat the butter in a large pot. Add the meat and sear over a high heat (you may need to do this in batches). Add the onions, stir in the tomato paste and sprinkle with the flour. Add the stock and Guinness. Bring to a boil, add the bay leaves, thyme and sugar. Cover and simmer for 45 mins. Add the carrots and potatoes to the stew (add a little water if necessary), stir well and cook for an additional 30 mins. Remove the bay leaves and thyme. Garnish with the extra sprigs of thyme.
large glass bowl, combine Guinness, mustard, rosemary, and bay leaves
eaves, broth, tomato paste, and Guinness; bring to a boil, then
nd cook over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes, until
b>for 5 minutes on Medium heat.
POUR 1/2 cup Guinness
eaves, broth, tomato paste, and Guinness; bring to a boil, then
Cut the beef into chunks and dice the onions and carrots.
Toss the beef in the flour and fry quickly in hot fat.
Remove the beef and fry the onions until transparent.
Return the beef and add the carrots and the liquids. (Now is a good time to drink the extra Guinness and cider) :).
Bring just to the boil. Reduce the heat and bring to a very gentle simmer.
Cover closely, and cook for 1.5 to 2 hours.
Check that the dish does not dry out. Add more water if necessary.
Garnish with a little chopped parsley.
ransfer bacon into a large stew pot, reserving bacon fat in
uto or Low for 8 hours, or High for 4-5 hours
n tomato paste, whisk in Guinness, mustard and salt and pepper
o taste.
Stir in Guinness, stock, and Worcestershire sauce. Bring
yrup (can use my recipe of Guinness syrup). Cut a piece of
Heat oil in large deep nonstick skillet over medium high heat and brown beef.
Stir in Recipe Ready Stew Blend, tomatoes and beef broth. Reduce heat to low and simmer covered 20 minutes or until beef is tender.* Season, if desired, with salt and black pepper and sprinkle with chopped parsley. For thicker stew, gently mash 2 potatoes using a fork; stir to blend.
Combine everything except for Guinness in a large bowl and
lready cut in little pieces for my stew and before I cooked
hen they're browning meat for a stew.) The pork cubes should
dd green chiles and bake for another hour.
If potatoes