For the syrup:
Put the sugar and
nto prepared pan.
Bake for 20-25 mins, until toothpick
nife. P.
our Orange Syrup over cakes; allow to sit
wo-thirds full.
Bake for 20-25 mins, until toothpick
FOR THE CAKE: Preheat oven to
he batter into the skillet for each pancake.
Cook until
FOR THE PUDDING: Preheat oven to
br>Simmer over low heat for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring
igh speed with electric mixer for 2 minutes. Then mix in
Boil lemons until soft.
Slice into pan containing honey and camphor oil.
Cook slowly, until syrupy.
Take by spoonfuls for cough.
Mix ingredients and heat.
Take one teaspoon for cough or hoarseness.
For cough-- Mix honey, glycerin and lemon juice.
Bottle and cork firmly.
Use as needed.
For Blocked noses-- Place honey in a basin of hot water and inhale fumes after covering your head with a towel over the basin.
For Sore throats-- Let 1 teaspoon of honey melt in the back of the mouth and trickle down the throat.
This will ease inflamed raw tissues.
For the waffle you can use any Belgium waffle batter recipe, feel free
pices (or use my recipe for Jamaican Spice Mixture recipe #108351, ginger and
/4 cup water. Beat for 3-4 mins until pale
Use Sure-Jell and double the amount of juice called for in the jelly recipe.
Add syrup and sugar called for plus 1 cup.
Make according to jelly recipe.
For the syrup, place passionfruit pulp, sugar, lime
an, smooth top and bake for 45-50 mins, until a
ins or until crisp.
For the syrup, combine 1 1/4
aper 1 inch above sides for handles. Puree mango flesh in