f the fryer. Serve with honey mustard sauce.
To make
Wash hands before you start.
Make dough into small balls. Roll dough
in corn flakes.
Put honey ball into a plastic bag.
ntil it forms a smooth ball.
Divide into 8 smaller
ay need to add more honey with a larger pumpkin (taste
whisk together warm water and honey until honey is dissolved. Add yeast
Beat in 1/3 cup honey.
Reduce speed to low
Heat the butter, sugar and honey, stirring constantly, over low heat
Combine the egg, honey, coriander, cinnamon, cloves and salt
he consistency of room-temperature honey).
When the ham is
in a medium saucepan, combine honey, water, tea, vanilla, ginger, cinnamon
mall pan, combine brown sugar, honey, cinnamon, orange juice and orange
Mix together milk, honey, salt and caraway seed; cool.<
Combine the milk, butter, honey and 5.8 oz water
stir in olive oil and honey. Pour mixture over dry ingredients
aper. Combine butter, sugar and honey in a small saucepan over
Combine honey, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/
medium saucepan, combine water, honey and butter.
Heat over
THE GLAZE: Put the Guinness, honey and sugar into a pan,
egin to color. Add the honey and put in oven for
ater, the butter or margarine, honey, 2 teaspoons salt, and the