olden brown.
Generously sprinkle salmon skin with remaining 2 tsp sea
eep slashes lengthwise down the skin-side of each fillet. Season
ith salt and pepper.
Heat the oil to
lesh side of the salmon, place both together skin side out in
estle until finely crushed. Sprinkle salmon with salt mixture.
Cut salmon into roughly equal-size pieces,
eason both sides of the salmon fillets with salt and pepper
own the center of the salmon feeling for any pin bones
Rinse the salmon fillets and pat dry thoroughly
ouldn't let me put \"salmon skin only\" but it is only
ender. Keep oven on for salmon.
In a medium bowl
The secret to crispy skin is lack of moisture. Leave
o 350\u00b0.
Place salmon, skin down, on ungreased roasting pan
he pan and the skin to get crispy.
I like to
Bring enough water in a pot to a rapid boil. Scald the pork skin by dipping only the skin into the water.
Remove, then rub Marinade onto the meat side of the pork.
Preheat oven to 475\u00b0F.
Place pork with meat side up on a wire rack inside roasting pan and roast for 10-15 minutes.
Remove pork on to a plate. Prick the skin side all over with a fork. Rub the skin with some salt.
Return meat to the rack once again with skin side up.
Roast for 25-30 minutes or until the skin turns crispy and golden brown.
mall bowl.
Score chicken skin in several places. Place in
Skin salmon; cut into bite size.
Shred carrot.
Break egg into bowl.
Mix it.
In a bowl, mix carrot, egg, flour and 1 teaspoon of oil.
Dip salmon into flour mix.
Deep fry salmon.
hop mango (set aside).
Skin Salmon if not pre-skinned and
b>salmon, and then skin salmon very carefully, with a sharp fillet knife, trim salmon
nd pepper. Cook the chicken skin side down for 2-3