Caramelize the onion in Ghee or Olive
baking sheet.
Mix the flour and Baking powder together
Place eggplant cubes on a plate and sprinkle with salt then let them sit for 30 minutes to remove bitterness. Rinse off the cubes in a collander then pat them dry with a paper towel.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
Place eggplant cubes onto a nonstick baking sheet and drizzle the oil over them.
Grind the fresh pepper over the eggplant to give them all a light dusting.
Sprinkle the just under 1 tsp salt over the cubes.
Sprinkle the garlic powder over the cubes.
Bake for 30 minutes, give it a stir midway thru., most pie crust recipes are made with half lard
Preheat oven to 350*.
Brown ground beef in saucepan.
Add onion and cook until tender. Drain oil.
Add corn, milk and herbs. Bring to a boil.
Dissolve bouillon (cubes or liquid) in hot water and add to mixture.
Cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
Place in a large (9 x 13 type)casserole dish.
Mix half the cheese with the potatoes and spread over the meat and vegetable mixture.
Sprinkle with remaining cheese and the parsley.
Bake for 30 minutes.
And for the Uncle Arthur, pour 1 shot Galliano into a martini glass, add your standard apple martini (vodka and apple sour liqueur, drop a cinnamon stick in the drink and for all the recipes --
--flirt shamelessly.
n a separate bowl, cream the butter and sugars together until
pple. I leave the peels on for the chew factor but you may
The ingredients are layered, like sand
o 350\u00b0F
Slice the mangoes into 3/4-inch
r earthenware bowl. Add the bunch of grapes, pushing
For the filling: Combine the cranberries, water or juice and the sugar in
Melt the butter
inutes at room temperature. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan, then add the leeks, and saffron and cook over medium heat, stirring, until the leeks are tender and translucent.
Add the strips of lemon zest, the stock/water and the chickpeas, bring to a simmer, then cook gently for about 10 minutes. Add the parsley and cook 5 minutes more. Season well with sea salt and black pepper.
Pour wine into the skillet and bring to a
ou have that'll fit the ribs is fine. Heat on
>the husks down to the bottom of the corn without removing the husks. Remove the