Fish Stock - cooking recipe
1 None onion, thickly sliced
3 1/2 tbsp butter
1/2 bulb fennel, sliced
3 stalks fresh parsley
1 None fresh bay leaf
4 None white or black peppercorns
4 1/2 lb fish bones from white fish, washed, any organs and blood removed, cut into small pieces
1/2 cup white wine
Place onion in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Let stand for 3 mins then drain. Rinse under cold running water until cool then drain and set aside.
Melt butter in a large stockpot over medium heat. Add onion, fennel, parsley, bay leaf and peppercorns. Cook for 2-3 mins. Add fish bones then cover with a cartouche (parchment paper lid) and lid. Cook for 4-5 mins.
Add wine and simmer for 2 mins. Cover with cold water and bring slowly back to a simmer. Skim off any scum that rises to the surface. Simmer for 20 mins.
Skim then strain stock through a cheesecloth-lined strainer into a clean container. Chill until cold. Skim off layer of fat and pour into sealable containers.
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