Instant Coffee Espresso - cooking recipe

    1 1/2 teaspoons nescafe instant coffee (or depending on taste as to how strong you like your coffee)
    1/2 cup milk
    1/2 cup water, plus a few drops for premixing
    2 teaspoons sugar (or to taste)
    cinnamon (optional)
    drinking cocoa powder
    Put the coffee powder and sugar in a coffee mug.
    Add a few drops of water (just enough to incorporate the coffee powder in to form a thick paste) Stir vigorously with a spoon and soon you will see that the coffe and sugar form a whitish shiny paste.
    Boil the milk and water together.
    (if you do not like milky coffee you can boil plain water (1 cup) and add a few drops of milk just to your taste straight into the mug) Pour this from a little height into the mug so that the coffee froths up.
    Sprinkle a little drinking chocolate on top for effect.
    You can sprinkle some cinnamon powder on top too if you like the flavour of cinnamon.

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