Bavarian Mulled Wine - cooking recipe

    1 (750 ml) bottle red wine
    3/4 cup water
    3/4 cup brown sugar
    2 whole cinnamon sticks
    1 orange, sliced into rounds
    1 lemon, sliced into rounds
    1 whole star anise
    10 whole cloves
    1/2 vanilla bean, split in half
    1/2 cup brandy
    Combine all the ingredients in a large pot and place over medium-low heat.
    Heat the mixture for 60 minutes, making sure not to bring the mixture to a boil.
    Once the flavors have melded together for 60 minutes, strain out the spices and reserve the citrus rounds for serving.
    Serve the warmed wine with a round of lemon and a round of orange.

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