Iced Sun Tea - cooking recipe

    6 small orange pekoe and black tea bags
    3 small flavored herbal tea bags (fruit, rose hip or hibiscus flower are great)
    1/2 fresh lemon (optional)
    1/2 fresh lime (optional)
    honey, amount to taste (optional)
    Remove any tags from the tea bags (prevents dye from leeching into the tea) and place them in the bottom of a clear, glass, 1/2 gallon pitcher.
    Fill with cold water , add lemon and lime and cover with plastic wrap or lid (keeps gnats and other creepies out).
    Place outdoors in the sun (can do out of the sun as well, but takes just a bit longer).
    Allow to brew for 5-6 hours or until it is as dark as you like (warmer weather brews it faster).
    Remove tea bags and fruit and serve tea over ice, sweetened with honey if desired (mix it in while tea is warm).
    Tea will keep about 6 hours, after which the quality decreases rapidly.

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