The Ultimate Patty Melt Burger - cooking recipe

    2 lbs ground sirloin
    3 -4 medium onions, sliced
    1/2 lb bacon
    1/2 lb mushroom, sliced
    12 slices rye bread (a hearty, thick-sliced one with seeds is best)
    12 slices swiss cheese
    Cut the bacon strips in half. Fry to preferred doneness (I like mine moderately soft).
    Fry onions in a little butter over medium to medium-high heat until cooked and browned.
    Fry mushrooms in butter or bacon grease until nicely cooked and a little browned.
    Form ground sirloin into 6, slightly oval patties. Fry or grill to preferred doneness (I like medium-well).
    While patties are cooking, make 6 sandwiches of rye bread and cheese. Butter the outsides and cook like a normal grilled-cheese sandwich -- in restaurant-speak this is a \"set-up\".
    When set-ups are ready them pry them open and set them on the individual plates.
    Put cooked patties on one side of the set-up. Top with bacon strips, onions, and mushrooms.
    Close sandwiches, pin with frilly toothpicks, and cut in half.
    Offer mayonnaise and/or mustard (preferably brown or Dijon), at the table.
    I prefer to offer coleslaw (try Recipe #209944 ), or a green salad but really crisp french fries and a pickle on the side are customary.

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