Original Milk Paint - cooking recipe
6 ounces hydrated limes (or agricultural lime)
1/2 gallon skim milk
4 ounces linseed oil
3 lbs finely powdered Spanish white
powdered pigment (optional)
Put the lime into a bucket and add enough milk to make it the consistency of cream.
Add the oil, a small amount at a time, stirring the mixture with a wooden spatula or spoon.
Stir in the rest of the milk.
Strew the whiting gently over the surface of the mixture.
The whiting will gradually sink to the bottom of the bucket; it should then be well stirred into the mixture.
If you are making colored paint, stir in the powdered pigment last, a little at a time, until you get the desired color.
For best results, test this on a small area to determine if color is pleasing. Remember to go easy on the color as you can always darken the paint.
Adding additional lime will make this more opaque, but no directions are given.
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