Old School House Yeast Rolls - cooking recipe

    1 1/2 cups water
    2 eggs
    2 teaspoons salt
    1/3 cup sugar (do NOT forget this or they won't brown correctly)
    1/3 cup oil
    5 1/2 cups flour
    5 1/2 teaspoons yeast
    Either put in machine in proper order for your machine or throw it in the mixer with a dough hook.
    Let it mix and knead for 10 minutes or so while you find something else to do. It should be soft, but not run out of your hand when you lift it from the bowl.
    Cover with cloth and let double.
    Place on floured board. I just cut it into 4 \"equal\" pieces and the cut those into another 4 each.
    Spray or grease a large jelly roll pan or whatever you have about that size. Put the big ones on one end and the little ones on the other. Leave about 3/4\" or so between the rolls.
    Beware, your environment and oven could change these times.
    Let raise again. Bake at 400 degrees about 9 minutes. Then I personally flip them onto another pan and bake upside down for another 3 minutes so the bottom is nice and crunchy also.
    Store after cooling in a plastic bag or something, but make sure they are truly cool first. I put them in the freezer and then reheat them in the oven as we need them.
    These things are truly one of a kind -- every time.

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