500 g flour (white, for bread)
7 g dry yeast (package for 500g flour)
6 egg yolks
50 g sugar (white)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
60 g butter
2 tablespoons rum
1 liter oil
200 g apricot jam
200 g sugar (white, grounded)
Take a large pot (glass pot for salad or similar) and put in it flour, sugar, slightly melted butter, salt, rum and slightly warm milk (25-30\u00b0C) and mix well using mixer or dough-machine.
The dough must be smooth and \"shiny\". Cover the dough with warm kitchen towel and leave it grow for 40-50 minutes (it must double in size).
Knead the dough again and cut into two parts. One part cover with kitchen towel again and thin the second part into 2 cm thick dough. Use mould for \"krafne\" or normal glass 6 cm. in diameter. Cut round pieces. Do this until there is no more dough (re-knead and do it again).
Now, knead the second part of the dough and do the same thing (with glass). Let it grow for more 20 minutes.
Take a large pot, pour 1 liter of oil and heat to 80-100\u00b0C Fry several krafne in oil; first covered (not more than 1 minute or until brownish) on one side, and than uncovered1 minute on the other side (them must not touch each other). They must have white ring (we call it in Zagreb: \"ramftl\").
When they are done, take them out of oil with hollow spoon and put onto paper towel to drain surplus of oil. Using cooking syringe put jam into each \"krafn\". Spread grounded sugar over and serve. They are very good when they are warm, but not too warm.
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