Bertha Krivacek Watkin'S Kolachy - cooking recipe

    2 pkg. active dry or compressed yeast
    1/4 c. warm water (lukewarm for compressed yeast)
    1/4 c. cream, scalded
    1/4 c. sugar
    3/4 lb. butter
    3 1/2 c. flour
    1/2 tsp. salt
    4 egg yolks, slightly beaten
    Dissolve yeast in water.
    Dissolve sugar in scalded cream and cool to lukewarm.
    Add to yeast.
    Cut butter into flour as for pie crust.
    Add yeast mixture and egg yolks, stirring and beating to form smooth, soft dough.
    Cover tightly and let rise in a warm place for 1 hour.

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