Whole Artichoke Pickles - cooking recipe
1 peck Jerusalem artichokes
1 gal. vinegar
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. powdered mustard
1 small lump alum
2 Tbsp. celery seed
2 Tbsp. mustard seed
2 Tbsp. cloves
4 Tbsp. mustard seed
Wash and scrape artichokes and let stand overnight in salt water (1 tablespoon salt to 1 quart water).
Drain; soak one day in alum water.
Rinse well.
Soak mustard seed in small amount of vinegar.
Boil rest of vinegar and spices a few minutes.
Let cool; add mustard and mustard seed.
Put artichokes in a crock; add liquid mixture.
Let stand at least a week before using.
Dip artichokes out as desired.
When supply is exhausted, more artichokes may be added to same liquid if liquid is heated.
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