Light Rolls - cooking recipe

    1 c. warm water
    1 pkg. dry yeast
    2 Tbsp. sugar
    2 1/4 c. flour
    1 tsp. salt
    2 Tbsp. soft shortening
    1 egg
    Measure warm water into large bowl.
    Sprinkle in yeast and stir to dissolve.
    Stir in sugar, half of flour and salt.
    Beat with spoon until smooth.
    Add egg, the shortening and the rest of the flour.
    Beat again.
    Let rise in warm place until double in bulk (about 30 minutes).
    Stir down and spoon into large muffin pan (which has been greased), filling each muffin cup about 1/2 full.
    Let rise to top of pan (20 to 30 minutes).
    Bake at 400\u00b0 for about 15 minutes or until lightly brown.
    While still warm, brush top with melted butter.

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